Monday, July 15, 2013

Tampon Gate: They took my Tampons (and my feces)!

With all the Abortion Bill stuff in the news I was interested when I started hearing about the tampons being confiscated at the Capitol. I followed up with one my favorite sensationalist Austin News organizations the Burnt Orange Report. In their article After Tampongate, We Have Some Questions for Texas DPS they pose accusatory questions regarding the actions of officers.

The article first says the officers were peaceful and polite helping people into overflow rooms, but later state that they assaulted peaceful protestors, ignored reports of assault, and stole tampons from the homeless.
What the article doesn’t state is that after learning that people were being denied entry because of the tampons “Kirk Watson, D-Austin, spoke to the sergeant-at-arms and DPS officers were told to allow people to bring in the products.According to another news outlet

The DPS has already issued a statement regarding the confiscation of the items which as well as significant quantities of feminine hygiene products, glitter, urine jars, feces, paint and confetti... The BOR article suggests that they DPS is lying about the jars of urine and feces, but makes no mention of the paint, confetti, or glitter. I’m all for people being able to bring in what they need to take care of their bodily functions, but why the urine, feces, glitter etc but does this lady really look like she is getting a visit from Aunt Flo, or does it look like she is armed for battle?


The articles on the BOR could do , in my opinion with a bit more fact finding and actual news reporting on important matters regarding the rights of people in our fair city.

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